Friday, August 12, 2011

Johanna's Final Curriculum Choices

I cannot believe that school will be starting in just over a week!  I am ready, but my children would rather continue their days of lazy play...I guess that is to be expected! I already posted a lot about what I planned to do this year, but I finally got everything mapped out for the year, so I thought I'd share my finished plan! 

  • We did decide to join a local Home School Co-Op.  I am signing my boys up for art and PE together, then Ethan will take a Music Makers class while Aaron takes chess.  These classes meet just once a week for 30 weeks.
  • I purchased Sonlight's Core B+C which covers Bible, World History, Read-Aloud books that correspond with the history, and I purchased the Grade 4-5 readers for Aaron. I am using the Grade 2 readers I already had for Ethan this year, also Sonlight.
  • In addition to the Bible readings that are included in the instructor's guide with the Sonlight package (I did not purchase the full Bible curriculum), I got some Rod & Staff books to supplement the Bible lessons. 
  • For Language Arts, I bought the Rod & Staff Grade 3 English for Aaron and the Grade 1 for Ethan.  I also am continuing them in A Reason for Handwriting and adding Spelling Power by Curriculum Associates and Writing Strands 3 for Aaron.
  • For Science we went with Apologia Anatomy and Physiology, and I am very excited about this program!
  • For math, I am using Right Start Math level C with Ethan (but Aaron will listen in for review), and moving Aaron to Abeka's Grade 3 Math for a year to help build Aaron's math confidence and let him review the same concepts he did in level C last year but with a book that still says "Grade 3" on it!
  • For electives, we are going to be doing some cooking projects together, studying some composers, and hopefully doing some piano lessons.
Whew! I'm tired just looking at it, but I'm excited about all of my choices none the less!
I decided to include a picture of Ethan with some of his Lego creations so that this isn't an "all words" post!


Joanna said...

That's great that you can tailor your kids learning to what they new (talking about the math here). Some of your stuff sounds so interesting, I'm going to check it out.

Alvarez Family said...

Good for you! Must be such a relief to have the planning done!

Darcy said...

Makes me wish I could keep my kids home with me. I keep praying my husband will be on board with homeschooling one of these days. I will be checking out all your stuff....I am still trying to decide if I am teaching writing to local homeschoolers. Hope you have a great school year!