Thursday, August 7, 2008

Here's an interesting article on adoption by Steven Curtis Chapman my dad forwarded to me from I have been thinking about the Chapman family since the horrible death of their youngest not too long ago. It is neat to see that in their grief they are doing more for adoption and not shying away from talking about it in general. I could see grief driving a family either way.

I found the comments after the article interesting, too. So many gay people wondering what SCC's opinion on same sex couples adopting. What does it matter? The government here and in the country they seek to adopt from make the rules. And all the comments about his statements that if only 7% of Christians in the world would take in one child, there would be no orphans - I think it is interesting that people thought he was saying only Christians should adopt.

Enough from me! Go read it yourself!


Anonymous said...

He's right, if Christians don't adopt, then how can we call ourselves compassionate? It was a really good article.

Some of the comments made me mad. :-p

But one that I definitely agree with: Lower middle class folks who would lovingly open their homes to another child, can't even begin to do so, because of the ridiculous cost of adoption.

However, more people should look into foster care. It is a wonderful thing :) And I have every intention of doing it if I can ever get my dh to say yes! :-D

Johanna said...

Foster care is difficult because you can get older children who have had such hard lives that they don't know how to function within a family. The hard part is not wanting to take them in and help them, but wondering what it will mean for the children already in the home. I wonder what kind of support is available for those situations? And, fostering to adopt is much cheaper than adopting right out. It would be a viable option for those who cannot afford it.

Anonymous said...

I actually don't even want to try til my kids will be able to be the mentors.. Does that make sense? I know I could not do it now, with young children in the house.