Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Book

As a person very interested in the WHY of food, it was an interesting read.  Very enlightening in that it includes some history of and "real life" Mario Batali (he always seems so nice on Molto Mario and Iron Chef, who knew he was a big jerk?) and what life is like in a professional kitchen - Batali's famous restaurant, Babbo.  My biggest beef (no pun intended) is the swearing.  I didn't count but he used "the F word" at least three dozen times.  I don't mind reading books with swearing in it but these guys use that word in place of words like "things" and "stuff".  I mean every other word out of their mouths is "the F word".  For the love of Pearl, GET A THESAURUS.


Anonymous said...

UGH! I hate the f word. If that is the same Mario I am thinking of, I always did get a sense that he was kind of an insensitive jerk...

Joanna said...

Yeah, insensitive jerk with a sense of entitlement and no moral compass. Good call Lawanda.

Coach Krystal said...

"Get a thesauraus" Ha! Priceless.

You know, I feel that way when I'm doing a workout video and the trainer uses profanity! I'm like, "Okay, for me to get a good workout, I need intensity, variety and good form. What I don't need is to hear you cussing!"
