Saturday, June 23, 2012

Johanna's First Update From China

We made it to China! The flight over went really well, but we were spoiled with business class for the long leg. That is really the way to travel for an international flight! We were able to sleep well on the plane, which has made our transition to the local time much better. We spent the 20th and 21st getting here, then were thrown into a whirlwind of sightseeing! In the two days we have toured Beijing, we have seen the following: a traditional houtong via a rickshaw tour, a silk factory, Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, the night food street market, a jade factory, the Great Wall, the Olympic complex, and a Chinese Acrobatic show. We have eaten in 3 local Chinese restaurants and then tonight at a McDonalds! We are getting good at using chopsticks, too. There are 9 families here in our group, and we have really enjoyed getting to know them. 

Tomorrow morning we will fly to Zhengzhou, the capital of the province Hannah is in. Then on Monday morning, we will get her! It is starting to sink in just how close it all is. After waiting for her for 4 years, she will be ours in just 1 1/2 days!

Once we get to the net city, we will have a day with nothing scheduled, so I am determined to figure out how to get some pictures posted.

Thank you to all who are praying for us. My shoulder still needs prayer. It is better than it was, but a lot of every day motion causes me pain.

Hopefully next time I post, there will be pictures and maybe we will even have Hannah already!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has to be the most exciting thing I have ever read!!! (well, getting her will be the most exciting, but so far....)