Wednesday, August 6, 2008


By now everyone knows I'm doing a classical education style of homeschooling here in the McFemale household. Today, The Pioneer Woman (who home schools her four kids) put up a great post about Shakespeare for kids. I've never seen these books she's posted about but I want to head to the library and check them out to see if Ella would like them.


Johanna said...

How fun! I just finished writing a six week unit for Romeo and Juliet for a 9th grade homeschooler for this year, so I already have Shakespeare on the brain! Buying the whole set would be a bit costly though - they are $8.95 each at Amazon! And my library doesn't have them either...

Anonymous said...

I'm SOLD! I love literature, too! I am not too sure you could ever make Romeo and Juliet kid friendly, though. Really, could you?

Unknown said...

Those look great! It's too bad it would cost so much to buy them all.