Monday, October 13, 2008

Seen Around Town...


For $2.96.


Grandma said...

Oh my gosh - below $3? Whoever guessed we'd be thrilled with that? Best we have here is $4.22 - but that's still better than $9 in England!

Johanna said...

Jerry and I were just commenting on how strange it is that we were rejoicing over seeing gas below $3! At Costco the other day, it was as low as $2.74! I don't think it stayed there for long, but it is well below $3! Now if only milk could go there, too!

Joanna said...

Yeah, we buy lots of milk. They opened an Aldi here and they sell milk for $2.79. That's nearly a dollar less than we pay everywhere else.

Unknown said...

I just saw on the news that gas is less than $3 in the outer burbs. We're still paying about $3.60 closer to town. I don't know how the prices can be so different only 30 miles away. But, anything less than $4 is good at this point. Won't it be great when prices aren't such a fixation in our lives?