Thursday, January 29, 2009

Art Appreciation

I started doing art lessons this semester with Ella. I really wanted to buy this really cool art apreciation set recommended by Susan Wise Bauer. At the time we were saving money so that was one of the things nixed. Fortunately I found this website that has really cool, simple art lessons. You learn about an artist and answer some questions and do some puzzles. I like it. It'll do for now until I can get to the good stuff.

Oh and by the way, Gauguin was weird. I mean really, really weird.

Check it out: Garden of Praise's art appreciation for kids.


Anonymous said...

Kewl!!!! I bookmarked that for future reference! so what makes you say that guy is real, really weird? (I think most artists are weird. As in the weirder they were the more people want to pay for their art! LOL)

Joanna said...

Okay so he didn't cut off is own ear like Van Gogh did, but after abandoning his wife and five kids so he could paint pictures of naked people, he "retired" to Tahiti where he lived a licentious lifestyle and died of his overindulgences. You're right, people like weird artists. Is it me, or does it seem to be mostly the male artists that were whacko? Maybe I haven't studied female artists enough to know that they kinds crazy, too. LOL

Joanna said...

I meant: they are kinda...

Screaming baby was distracting me. Sorry.

Johanna said...

That's a great resource! Thanks for sharing it. I am always interested in free resources for school!