Thursday, April 22, 2010

Have you ever...

...bought your one year old a Dr. Pepper and opened a bag of Teddy Grahams before ever reaching the check out to get through a shopping trip?  If you only have one, or maybe even two children, the answer is probably no.

Have you ever let your one year old play while putting objects into his ear for fun just because it makes him really happy?  Well, if you've ever done either of these things, you sure won't be getting any judgment from me!  It's amazing that children born third or after even grow up to be healthy, normal people!  I'm just sayin'...


Joanna said...

ROTFLOL! I hear you, sister! Ho boy, do I ever hear you. That picture of Andrew is THE BEST!!!

Coach Krystal said...

Ha ha! I agree! My daughter gets away with FAR MORE than my son ever did!


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh yes, the third child has to be born lucky ;)

ADORABLE third child ya got there too ;)

Anonymous said...

I am "Samantha" sorry! Apparently my niece was signed in on my computer!!


Catherine R. said...

Johanna- if this is what happens with the 3rd or 4th child, I am scared for my upcoming children! See the photo of my 1 year old with a Big Gulp on my blog.

BTW Andrew is just so cute and handsome!