Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Birthday Boy

We are having a party for Ethan on Saturday, but I couldn't let his actual birthday go by without anything for him. So I bought cupcakes for after dinner ::gasp! store bought:: and he got to open a gift. He was so thrilled with everything. Every time someone sang "Happy Birthday" to him, he just beamed from ear to ear and then ducked his head in embarassment! He was so cute! And he knows for sure that he is now three. I still cannot believe my baby is three...


Joanna said...

ahhh. sniff, sniff. three already! he looks like jerry. aaron looks like you. and just so you know, i am NOT pregnant.

Johanna said...

How can that be? Everyone else is pregnant, why not you? C'mon - everybody's doing it!!! :)

Unknown said...

oh, so cute! Happy birthday sweetie! He sure looks joyful on his big day!