Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fitness Friday - What Makes Me Feel Good

This is my first Fitness Friday post since before Christmas and it feels good to get back in the mix. Over the holiday, I didn't really watch what I ate by excluding anything, but rather focused on making sure I ate enough veggies and some fruit each day along with all the yummy holiday stuff that was around. We went on a trip for a bit over a week, and during that time Jerry and I were able to go on two dates (one Andrew was along, one he was not)!! It was really good to be out with my beloved and I ordered a meal and dessert both times (both were dinner dates).

This week I am back exercising. I have been to the gym twice this week, and it feels so good to really work out. I am one who enjoys exercising, but seem to forget this until I am actually exercising! As for progress, since I last posted (was that three weeks ago???) I actually gained one pound. It is not surprising though with the lack of exercise and food free for all. The several afternoons that I sat down with the half gallon of Blue Bell ice cream and a spoon aren't helping either! (If you live where you cannot get Blue Bell, you are missing the best ice cream in the world, and probably missing 5 pounds because of it, as well!) I am confident that now that Andrew is 8 weeks old and I am back at the gym, things will begin to change for me weight wise.

This week's assignment was to write about what makes me feel good. I really had to stop and think about this one and the implications it has on how I live my life. These are the things that make me feel good:

1. Spending carefree and stress-free time with my children.

2. Finishing something I set out to accomplish.

3. Making the bed each day.

4. Getting personal messages via mail, e-mail, or my blog.

5. Having a clean house.

One thing I realized while writing about these things is that I can actually control whether these things happen for me or not! So often I am unhappy, stressed, or in general don't feel good, and it is in these times that I reach for food most often. But I can do things to ensure that I have "feel good" moments throughout the day! Unfortunately, I tend to procrastinate to the point that I am stressed out and can hardly keep my head above water. I am seeing that if I take the time to do the work of making my bed, cleaning up, and crossing items off my to do list, I will feel better and be more available to sit down and enjoy my children or leave personal messages for people, which inevitably causes them to leave one for me! Wow, I'm not powerless over how I feel each day. I can make choices to improve how I feel. Keeping this in mind should help me not need to turn to food to feel better!

For more Fitness Friday posts, go to Brenda's blog The Family Revised.


karly said...

"I am seeing that if I take the time to do the work of making my bed, cleaning up, and crossing items off my to do list, I will feel better and be more available to sit down and enjoy my children or leave personal messages for people, which inevitably causes them to leave one for me!"

Me too, Johanna! Great post, I could totally relate!

Have a great week!

Elspeth said...

Great post, Johanna! I can relate to much of it.

Carrie Thompson said...

I love accomplishing things and I LOVE getting email! Yeah!

Good post!

Laura Lee said...

Great list!! I too love a clean house, but I never make my bed. :-/

Brenda said...

Oh! Good point. EXCELLENT point! Most of this we are in total control of!


Thanks for pointing that out!

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about not remembering that you like to exercise until you're actually doing it. That is what I'm struggling with now. I've only gotten on the treadmill once this week. Thanks for reminding me that I'll actually enjoy it!

Luanne said...

Making your bed is an excellent idea! I should do that too. Maybe it would keep me from crawling back in from time to time if it was all smooth and pretty! Great idea. Congratulations on your new baby!! Have a good week :)

JulieMom said...

I am blessed in that the Prince makes the bed almost every morning. Whew! If it was left up to me it would get made shortly before he got home. ;0)

Great list!! Glad to have you back.

Megan said...

Excellent point about taking power over your own happiness!! Thanks for the reminder. (From a fellow recovering procrastinator :-)