Monday, April 5, 2010

Mini Post Monday

  • The other day, Ethan burped at the table.  Jerry asked him, "What do you say when you burp?"  His reply?  "Brruuuuuuhhhh."  Well, technically he did answer the question that was asked. 
  • Ethan has a new thing with sticking out his tongue when he knows his picture is being taken.  This was our best family Easter shot, except for the whole tongue thing...
  • The kids were outside playing Saturday morning, and Jerry and I couldn't help but smile when we heard them shouting, "He's crucified!  Take him off the cross and get him in the tomb!"  I wonder what the neighbors were thinking?  Of course, they balanced it out.  After some angry sounding shouts about crucifixion, I heard uncontrolled giggles followed by, "Ethan tooted!"  It's all about ballance, y'all.
  • Family Easter picture.  Aawwwwww.
  • I decided to skip the traditional ham or roast for Easter this year.  Instead, I made chicken fajitas with sauteed onions, peppers, and summer squash, guacamole, black beans, maple walnut cookies, and lemon sponge pudding cake.  My mom added fruit salad and chips to the meal.  Yummy!  What did you have?
  • The older boys hunting for Easter eggs.
  • I am starting something big today.  I am really tired of feeling so weak and soft.  Once upon a time, I was in shape and strong.  I used to run and lift weights and look nice in shorts.  I miss those days.  So when a friend posted about these six week challenges, I decided it was just right for me.  On Mon., Wed., and Fri., I will be doing the push up challenge.  On Tues., Thurs., and Sat., I will be doing both the squats challenge and sit ups challenge.  Anyone care to join me?  Not as a competition or anything - not that I'd be a threat.  I did the initial test for the push ups this morning using a modified push up from my knees and maxed out at 21.  Now my arms feel like jello.
  • Aren't my parents so lovely?
  • Hmmm....Who do you think I resemble?
  • I actually did something crafty!  Check it out here.
  • My children have a way of making any activity into a game and have fun.  While sorting laundry this morning, there was more laughter and singing from them than I have in a whole day most days.  There's a lesson to learn here.
Does this look like laundry sorting to you?


Unknown said...

What is it with boys and burping? I can't help but laugh every time Caleb burps and then smiles like "Wasn't that SO awesome???"

Your family picture turned out so well! Glad you got one with out a tongue hanging out :)

I know what you mean about weak and soft. I would join you but I'm pregnant and there's no better excuse than that to sit on my rump and do nothing. And oh yeah, eat lots of chocolate cream pie too. I'll be paying for it later...

Joanna said...

Um...did somebody say chocolate? know I look like I'm carrying twins because my stomach is one huge bowl of jello, right? It's almost nothing but fat. It's gross. I'd like to get it in shape but now is not the time. Maybe later. That's a good attitude, right?

boys...sheesh. And yes, that does look like laundry sorting to me.

Joanna said...

Okay, I made:

crash hot potatoes
asparagus with bacon vinagrette (YYYYUUUUMMMMMYYYYYYYY)
apple sauce (okay, bought)
pumpkin pie
cinnamon rolls

I think that's it.

Grandma said...

You forgot the fresh strawberry ice cream, Jo! And your parents look great as ever, Johanna!

Anonymous said...

I didnt post on this?? hmmmm

That is a great family pic!

I need to get back into my walking. (I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. I know I can? haha) Good luck with your challenges!!